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Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Current affairs 2017 May International


First Women’s TV Channel launched in Afghanistan

The first ever Women television channel “Zan TV” (or Women’s TV) has started in Kabul, Afghanistan. It has been started on May 30, 2017 with a staff of all female presenters and producers. The main purpose to launch the women TV Channels is to highlight the rights of Afghan Women and to improve their status and ensure their equality with men in the conservative society. It has been taken a crucial step for Women’s rights, in a male dominated country which is struggling for peace.

Apple opens first official store in South east Asia

Apple opened its first Southeast Asia store in Singapore on 27 May, 2017. It was drawing hundreds of excited fans to the swanky two stores site in the city’s up market shopping district. Located on the affluent Orchard Road, the new shop easily distinguished by its iconic glass facade is expected to be one of the most popular Apple stores in the World according to US tech giant. Merchandise  such as the iphone and Macbook were strategically  placed on display across the spacious first floor, while the upper level acted as a classroom for customers to participate in hands on sessions.

Mark Zuckerberg gets honorary Harvard Degree

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg received an honorary doctorate degree from Harvard University. He dropped out of the lvy league school to focus on Facebook. He started Facebook in his Harvard dorm room in 2004. The social network was initially limited to Harvard students only. It later expanded to other lvy league Universities, before being rolled out globally. Now, Mr. Zuckerberg is the World’s fifth richest person.

Egypt blocks 21 Media Websites, including Al-Jazeera

Egypt has blocked 21 media websites including the main website of Qatar based Al-Jazeera news channel for allegedly supporting terrorism, as per reports by one of the countries local news agencies. According to sources, the blocked websites also include some Egypt focussed Websites hosted abroad such as Masr Al Arabia. There claims from the Egyptian Government that the websites are being financed by Qatar. They were blocked inside Egypt of having content that supports terrorism and extremism.

Taiwan Court rules in favour of same sex marriage, first in Asia

Taiwan’s constitutional court has declared that same sex couples have the right to legally marry. This is the first such rule in favour of same sex marriage in Asia. The court gave the country’s parliament a period of two years for laws to be amended to allow same sex marriage. Without a doubt, Taiwan is walking in front of other Asian countries in favour of same sex marriage.

Omar Hegazy becomes first amputee to swim across Red Sea

Egyptian Swimmer Omar Hegazy has become the first amputee to swim across Red Se’s 20 km Aqaba Gulf from Egypt to Jordan. Hegazy, a 26 year old banker who lost his left leg in a motorcycle accident. Aqaba Gulf is a large gulf at the northern tip of  the Red Sea. Its coastline is divided between four countries. Egypt, Israel, Jordan and Saudi Arabia.

Mumbai and Kota among World’s most Crowded cities

World Economic Forum refers UN-Habitat data named two Indian cities Mumbai and Kota among the World’s most crowded cities. Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh has population density of 44,500 people per square Kilometer. Mumbai has a population density of 31,7000 people per square kilometer. Kota in Rajasthan with 12,100 people per square kilometer has been ranked seventh in the list.

PM Modi Calls for Creation of Asia Africa Growth Corridor

PM Narendra Modi on 23 May 2017 called for the creation of an Asia Africa growth corridor for the development of Africa. Modi called for the creation of this corridor while inaugurating the 52nd Annual Meeting of African Development Bank (AfDB) at Mahatma Mandir in Gujarat Gandhinagar. The core theme of the Annual Meeting is “Transforming Agriculture for wealth creation in Africa. “The meeting AfDB is a five day event that will witness about 3,000 delegates from 81 member countries.

70th World Health Assembly Kicks off in Geneva

The 70th World Health Assembly opened on 22 May 2017 at Geneva based UN headquarters in Switzerland. The World Health Assembly is the main decision making body of the World Health Organization (WHO). The Member states of the WHA will elect a new Director General, who will take office for a five year term on 1 July 2017. The three nominees from Ethiopia, Great Britain and Pakistan were address the Health Assembly for 15 minutes each on 23 May 2017.

UN releases the First Draft of Nuclear Ban Treaty

The United Nations on 22 May 2017 released the first draft of the nuclear ban treaty that would legally prohibit the possession of Nuclear Weapons. It would also require the states to make a pledge to never use the weapons and also to never develop, produce, stockpile, transfer or test them. The draft also rejects the concept of nuclear deterrence promoted by nuclear armed countries. The Draft was released in Geneva by Costa Rican UN Ambassador Elayne whyte Gomez . It condemns the use of nuclear weapons a violation of International humanitarian law.

Japan to build war museum in Manipur for Japanese soldiers

Japan will build a war museum at the hillock at Maiba Lokpa in Manipur. Japanese Ambassador to India Kenji Hiramatsu has announced. Hiramatsu said that around 70,000 Japanese soldiers had died during World War II in Imphal and Kohima, between the months March and June in 1944. Meanwhile Manipur Chief Minister N. Biren Singh has offered to assist the Japanese Government.

NASA honours APJ Abdul Kalam by naming new species after him

NASA paid tribute to late President of India APJ Abdul Kalam by naming a newly discovered organism after him. As of now, the bacterium named “Solibacillus Kalamii” by NASA scientist Kasthuri Venkateswaran, is found  only on the ISS, which is orbiting Earth at 400 KM. Kalam had trained at NASA in 1963 before setting up India’s first rocket launching facility in Kerala.

Gujarat gets its First Woman Police Chief

Geetha Johri, an IPS officer of the 1982 batch was appointed the new Gujarat DGP, Johri becomes the State’s first woman police chief. Johri was in news of her role in the SIT probing post Godhra riots and as investigating officer in the Sohrabuddin Shaik and Tulsiram Prajapati fake encounter case. She was the supervisory officer of Sohrabuddin encounter case in 2006-07 when the CID investigated the case following the opex court's direction.

Indian American Nominated for Key Post in FERC

US president Donald Trump Nominated Indian American Neil Chatterjee as a member of Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) FERC is an agency responsible for overseeing America’s power grid and deciding on multibillion dollar energy projects. He is the second Indian American appointed by Donald Trump to a major regulatory position.

Made in China C 919 passenger jet takes maiden flight

The twin engine, 158-174 seat passenger jet made by state owned Commercial Aircraft Corporation it feature several imported elements like German landing Gear and Austrian interior. Single aisle plan carry up to 168 passengers and is meant to rival Airbus and Boeing Aircraft. China’s first domestically made regional jet, the twin engine regional AR 121, flew its passengers in June 2016.

Trump’s Obama care replacement bill passed by US House

In USA, lawmakers vote to repeal and replace Obamacare with makes Quality health insurance more affordable and available to the Americans. The Republican bill is knows as the American Health Care Act. It would repeal more Obamacare taxes, including a penalty for not buying health insurance. The bill would slash funding for medicaid, a program that provides insurance for the poor replacement.

China to launch its own Encyclopaedia as a Rival to Wikipedia

China plans to launch its own online encyclopaedia next year rivalling Wikipedia and Britain’s Encyclopaedia Britannica. The Main objective of this project is to guide public thought. China fears that its citizens who use Wikipedia are being corrupted by foreign influences. For the compilation of the project, nearly 20,000 Scholars and academics have been tasked to created more than 300,000 entries before its 2018 launch.

Dubai becomes First City in World to gets its Own Microsoft Font

Dubai has become the first city in the World to have its own Microsoft designed font. The font will have typeface both in Latin and Arabic script. It will be made available in 23 languages. The font was launched by the crown prince of Dubai Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum. Not content with having the world's tallest building and biggest shopping centre, Dubai has become the first city to get its own font.

Read more: Current Affairs May 2017 Study Material |

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